MONDAYNEWS – info base for artists

Online platform and info base for artists, curators and cultural operators publishing comprehensive opportunities (open calls) overview in Arts and Culture, such as grants, residencies, exhibitions, festivals, fellowships, scholarships, commissions, competitions, prizes, job positions, call for papers, conferences, MA/BA/Postdoc programs.

Since the beginning, mondaynews published around 7000 open calls, collected 13 000 email subscribers, sent 600 newsletters, reached 10 000 unique visitors per month, twitted 2200 times to 1972 followers, sent updates to 4540 facebook users. Moreover, the published content was quoted as a reliable source of opportunities by artists, university career centers, online art platforms , nd international art networks.

The content was collected via a submission form, subscription to 1000 international newsletters, RSS feeds and google alerts. Seeking to broaden the field of expertise an international network of independent editors was set up to enhance the diversity and uniqueness of the content in the landscape of competitors.
Published are open calls by renown institutions such as museums, contemporary art centers as well as interesting project proposals by artists run associations and individuals. All content is proven by an editorial body.

Roles: Editor-in-Chief, Publisher, Researcher

Partners: Creative City Berlin

Dates: 2009-2014

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